Safety production training

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Update time : 2024-03-12

Safety production training

On March 11, TOPSEEK RV Locks actively carried out safety production training and fire protection training activities in accordance with government requirements to effectively strengthen the safety production awareness of each employee of the company and ensure the smooth progress of safety production work.



1.Leaders of the production lines held safety production meeting:

To strengthen the safety awareness of production line employees, first strengthen the safety awareness of leaders.


2.Safety production training:

Through safety education and training, all employees can improve their awareness of production safety, understand the key points of safety risks, protective measures and emergency response measures for the company and their positions; and consciously abide by the company's rules and regulations and safe operating procedures.


3. Special training on the correct use of fire extinguishers:

During the training, the relevant person in charge first explained the types of fire extinguishers, usage scenarios and other knowledge to everyone, and then demonstrated the use of fire extinguishers. Finally, a real-life fire drill was conducted.




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